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Tata Docomo Surrenders Extra CDMA Spectrum in 15 Telecom Circles

Dual technology telecom operator, Tata Docomo, the flagship brand for Tata Teleservices (TTL) has surrendered its excess CDMA Spectrum in 15 telecom circles out of 19 circles due to huge losses amid intense competition or less scope in CDMA services. Tata Teleservices (TTL) which is country’s sixth largest telecom operator in terms of subscribers (including both CDMA and GSM) had told the Department... 

Tata Teleservices has been asked to give up the extra spectrum as per DoT

Recent sources has confirmed that DoT has asked Tata Teleservices to vacate the additional CDMA spectrum in the different circles across India except Delhi & Mumbai with the other telco operators. DoT sources has stated that the Telco body may request TTL to surrender its one 1.25  MHz of CDMA spectrum in all respected service areas except Mumbai & Delhi without any such reason. The reason... 

SSTL License has been officially extended in India

MTS the CDMA telco operator has already offering voice & data services & put an appeal to extend its licenses Supreme Court. Already under A.Raja’s tenure total 122 licenses were cancelled out of which 21 licenses were camcelled against SSTL where it holds 22 licenses. Due to the igher price in auction in December 2012 the company was not eager to participated in the auction. At that two...