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GSMA wants Indian Govt. to cut reserve spectrum prices

The Indian Govt. should reduce the reserve spectrum prices as per  comment arose from GSM Association(GSMA). Though no specific dates has been announced but may be later this month Govt. of India soon may make the spectrum auction.

General Anne Bouverot, GSMA Director commented that “The absence of bidders for the 1800 and 900 MHz and a lone bidder in800 MHz for the spectrum auction earlier this month, which includes frequencies that remained unsold from the November 2012 auction, is a clear signal that mobile operators are not willing to pay unreasonably high prices for spectrum.”

Again, GSMA told Govt. of India to focus on creating a new & healthy environment for mobile consumers by not intending to divert the attention to raise the short-term revenues, where the investment from mobile industry can be make with ultra-high confidence.

There were several factors governing with high spectrum prices like spectrum remains unsold, increase in number of tariffs, delay in service delivery. All these factors multiplied to form a increase in number of mobile penetration as per added by GSMA.