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BlackBerry launches low-cost plan in 15 circles across India

Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan were some of the special categorized falls under those 15 circles where revenue generation is up to medium range, so World’s renowned smart phone maker Blackberry has announced a special plan for Rs 129 which will provide 1 GB data usage for the users.

Hitesh Shah,Commercial Relationship Director for Blackberry announced that this new innovative plan will be for those users who possess the SIM of Aircel, Idea Cellular and Vodafone.

Blackberry Messenger is the only choice left for those users falling under this plan residing in  metros and top four telecom circles of Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka.

 Email, BlackBerry Messenger, instant messaging, social networking, Internet browsing, as well as access to the BlackBerry World application store were some of the unique services offered from company’s end. Few smart phones like BlackBerry Curve 9220 & BlackBerry Curve 9320 with Blackberry OS comes under this plan.

Hitesh Shah quoted that “We are trying to get deeper into market with affordable plans. For 15 telecom circles which excludes metros and category A circles, BlackBerry will offer consumer access to all BlackBerry Services for Rs 129 limited up to 1GB,”